Elastagraph / Dynagraph
Elastagraph is a soft gasket comprising a corrugated core made of SS 316 acidproof stainless steel, enclosed in 100% pure expanded natural graphite. The coating is entirely seamless and does not contain polyester or Mylar foil with adhesive. The corrugation differs from conventional methods in that the space is denser between the peaks and deeper in the valleys. This increases the number of sealing zones while also ensuring that every sealing zone is narrow. The expanded graphite is of varying density over the sealing surface. It is highest at the points where the stresses are greatest, i.e. at the gasket inner diameter and at the peaks. The reduced sealing area in combination with high graphite density gives
the gasket extremely good sealing properties even at very low seating stresses. Elastagraph works superbly, even in the case of cyclic temperature fluctuations, and is also very diffusion-tight.